Flying ATM for Environment Climate

PROJECT TYPE: Exploratory research | FLAGSHIP: Aviation green deal
SESAR PROGRAMME: Digital European Sky | PROJECT DURATION: 2024-09-01 > 2027-02-28 TOTAL COST: € 999 938,75 | GRANT ID: 101167020​​​​​​
Our Mission

The project aims to address uncertainties tied to CO2, contrails, NOx induced changes in ozone/methane, and water vapor climate effects. To do so, it involves improving algorithmic climate change functions (aCCFs) in terms of seasonal and geographical expansions, incorporating representative climate metrics and addressing the uncertainties of non-CO2 climate effects.
These advancements will feed into a climate service for the aviation community. Additionally, the project will explore aviation's potential to reduce its climate impact through the development of robust flight planning algorithms. These algorithms will identify eco-efficient aircraft trajectories, assessing the associated climate impact reduction and costs.

Objective 1
Extend aCCFs of CO2 and non-CO2 climate effects to represent different seasons, different geographic regions and confidence intervals.
Objective 2
Explore the potential for mitigating aviation's climate impact considering its uncertainties by creating advanced flight planning algorithms to identify robust, climate-optimized trajectories.
Objective 3
Provide aviation stakeholders with recommendations and supportive measures to implement eco-efficient aircraft trajectories.